Happy 2012, Humans!
As soon as January 1st hit, the year exploded into gigginess. Mostly private events which is AWESOME for my pocketbook, not so great for getting fans in on the guest list. But February is your month! I’ve got two gigs lined up just for you. I’ve also, very diplomatically set one in the East Bay and one in San Francisco just to please everyone . Okay, it wasn’t completely my doing and they are two completely different genres….but that just means you’ll get two completely different shows if you come to BOTH gigs 😀
The first February date, I’ll be singing with Rich and the Rhythm Roustabouts at the Savanna Jazz Club. Rich is an amazing band leader with some fabulous talented musicians backing him up. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to sing some of the classic songs I grew up listening to as a little Zisman. Songs like Slow Boat to China (he’s going to kill me).
And, dancing. By GOD there’ll be dancing.
The second February gig, Ryan and I will be sharing the bill again with the lovely Katherine Peck. We have done shows with Katherine before and I have been a longtime fan of her powerful lyrics and performances. There is another lady joining us as well. I don’t know who she is yet, but I’m certain she’ll be the bees knees!
ZO! Vit Out Ferzer Adoo….
Tuesday, January 17th
Private Party (Chance’s End)
Intercontinental Hotel
San Francisco
Saturday, January 21st
Private Party: Alameda
Wednesday February 1st
with Rich and the Rhythm Roustabouts
Cat’s Corner at Savanna Jazz
9pm (for the drop in dance lesson!)
Savanna Jazz Club
2937 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Saturday, February 4th
with the very talented and dynamic, Ms. Katherine Peck.
The Actual Café
6334 San Pablo Ave
All ages, no cover. Killer salad.